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Here we learn more about the geography topic of Settlements by looking at pictures and images of settlements and homes from around the world. Houses and settlements have to adapt to a wide range of conditions and this leads to a wide variation in homes around the world. Have a look at these images and see if you can identify some of the conditions that have lead the homes adapting to their environment as they have. 

Images for Geography - Settlements

There are many different types of settlements and these pictures help to give some idea of the variety of different homes and settlements there are around the world. Where the photo is sourced from another site, you can click on it to link through to the website it came from for more information. 

homes around the world | settlement geography

Trulli houses, Puglia, Italy

Geography topics for you to learn and enjoy
settlement geography | homes around the world

Informal settlement, Johannesburg, South Africa

pictures for use when learning about Geography
Homes around the world | learning about settlements in geography

High-rise apartments, Tokyo, Japan

High-rise apartments, New York, USA

settlements geography | homes around the world | KS3 geography | CE geography
homes around the world | learning about settlements in geography

English suburban semi-detached houses.

Settlement geography | homes around the world

Reconstructed Anglo-Saxon settlement, UK

Settlement geography | homes around the world

American suburban semi-detached houses, Las Vegas

Settlement geography | homes around the world

Reconstructed Viking house

More homes from around the world

A Bedouin's tent in the Sahara desert in Morocco.

settlement geography | homes around the world
settlement geography | homes around the world | ks3 geography

A traditional dwelling in Uganda

Settlement geography | homes around the world

A Yurt, Mongolia. These homes are designed to be mobile and can be constructed in two hours.

homes around the world

A traditional house from Japan. 

settlement geography | homes around the world | ks3 geography

A traditional villa in Spain.

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